NOTICE: We are not holding classes at this time. Thank you.
Art in the Garden Creative Workshops began in 2012 as the realization of an on-going vision to provide a venue where art and nature could come together.
The workshops are held on a 1/4 acre private property near the foothills of the Cleveland National Forest. Surrounded by fruit trees, lemon verbena, lavender and container gardens, our students have the opportunity to relax, enjoy a beverage, and paint while listening to the songbirds that are native to our beautiful valley.
Workshops are held at various times throughout the year.
The Garden Workshop Experience

Until further notice, all
workshops are discontinued
through the remainder of
2018. No enrollments are
being accepted currently.
Thank you.

Our Workshops
We provide instruction in the visual arts to adults in a wide vaiety of disciplines. Our workshops are designed to welcome students who have no experience at all, to those who've studied in the arts for years.
Sculpture from Found Objects
Puppet Making
Puppetry Performance​